4 DEI Training Tips for Nonprofits

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have been increasingly discussed in nonprofit organizations over the past few years. As nonprofits strive to become more diverse and equitable, many have added DEI training to their organizational priorities. But where do you begin? How can you incorporate DEI training into your organization? Let’s take a look.

What Is DEI Training?
DEI training is a form of professional development and education to create a safe, equitable work environment and culture. It focuses on understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organization and providing employees with the knowledge necessary to work inclusively with one another. DEI training allows employees to understand different perspectives and cultures while learning how to respect those differences. Not only does this help build a better workplace culture, but it also helps foster a more productive working environment.

How Can Nonprofits Initiate DEI Training Best Practices From the Beginning? 
It starts with your organization’s values. As you create your mission statement, infuse DEI into your organization’s values. Look at your peers for examples if you’re unsure where to begin. 

  • What are some organizations that you think are doing it right? 

  • Which organizations or leaders do you admire? 

If there are nonprofits that you feel are addressing DEI positively, look at how they communicate. Your DEI training should apply to your organization, but you can draw inspiration from others doing great work. (Hint: The Resilia Community is a great place to look!)

What Should Be Included in DEI Training?
Practical DEI training should cover all aspects of diversity, from definitions and current events to policy implementation. By defining DEI, employees may clearly understand how DEI applies directly to their organizational roles or how it contributes toward its mission. Prioritizing DEI training is a small but significant way nonprofits can progress as leaders in social change.

Here are 4 DEI training tips for nonprofits to consider. 

  1. Assess your organization. Equity audits are an effective way to monitor progress toward gradually achieving a more equitable workplace. They can identify any existing biases or microaggressions within the organization and how to address them. This could include examining organizational policies around recruiting practices or employee benefits packages through an equity lens or managing potential bias during performance reviews by introducing anonymous peer feedback forms.

  2. Educate Yourself and Your Team. Take the time to educate yourself on DEI topics. Read books or articles on the subject or attend workshops or seminars hosted by experts who can provide valuable insights into best practices for incorporating these concepts into your workplace culture. 

    Ensure that your team understands DEI topics such as privilege, socialization into power dynamics, and implicit bias. DEI training should also cover current events related to equity and inclusion. This can mean inviting the entire team to have an honest dialogue about how social justice issues impact society and how those issues apply specifically to your organization’s mission and values. 

  3. Involve Everyone. Ensure there are accessible spaces where all voices can be heard and valued. Invite all staff members—from top-level executives down—to participate in DEI training sessions so that everyone can learn from one another and better understand different perspectives within the organization. 

    By engaging everyone in the process of learning about diversity and inclusion, you will be able to create an environment where all voices are heard and respected equally. This can be achieved through building relationships with others outside of the organization who may have different perspectives than those within leadership positions on your team. 

  4. Develop an action plan. Developing and implementing a DEI initiative in your organization is vital. This should include objectives such as setting clear goals for yourself or developing specific strategies for achieving them. Additionally, create measurable milestones so you can track progress over time.

It’s important to discuss how each individual can take actionable steps towards creating a more equitable workspace on both a micro-level (within the organization) and a macro-level (society at large). Your action plan should include ongoing DEI education to ensure continuous learning and development for the entire organization. 

With proper DEI training policies in place, organizations can create more inclusive working environments and gain a competitive advantage by elevating diverse perspectives. Incorporating DEI training into your organization may seem daunting at first, but by following these tips, you can implement effective DEI training programs successfully. Your nonprofit – and the communities it serves – will be better for it. 

If you’re ready to begin DEI training for your nonprofit, the Resila Nonprofit Platform has expert resources to guide you every step of the way. If you’re a Resilia subscriber, log in to access DEI training materials. Not yet a subscriber? Sign up today!

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